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健康到120岁:世界上最长寿的人 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:


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冲绳岛上居住着这个星球上最长寿的人 冲绳群岛,是位于东中国海上的161个珊瑚岛屿,是这些与众不同的人的故乡。据称 ,这些人拥有长生不老药。在这个翠绿的、富饶的“东方加拉帕哥斯群岛”上,早已过了中年的人们,拥有美丽的皮肤、光泽的黑发、苗条的身材和敏捷的身手。西方世界中的主要疾病在这里处于低发病水平,自杀几乎没有听说过,而“退休”在当地方言中根本不存在。 冲绳的百岁老人和超百岁老人,不会在护理室内度过生命的最后几年,而是享受完整的、积极的生命,直到终点。当地有一位名人,是一名空手道老师,他在97岁的时候击败了30多岁的外来拳击冠军。当冲绳人死去的时候,他们往往迅速地死亡,没有任何所知的疾病 。每10万人中就有34个百岁老人(相比之下,英国每10万人只有5位),105岁以上老人 的数目,出奇地高。官方认为,冲绳岛上居住着这个星球上最长寿的人。 心脏做尘病、中风和癌症,在西方发病率是如此普遍,而在冲绳却处在最低水纯陆禅平,是日本其他地区发病率的60%,尽管日本本身已经处于非常低的发病率水平了。冲绳人比美国人的心脏病发病率低80%。为他们做检查的医生经常发现,这些人拥有年轻的动脉血管和非常低的胆固醇水平。乳腺癌是如此少见,以至于完全不需要乳腺X照相,大多数男性老人从没听说过前列腺癌。总体来看,……



You Embrace the Challenge

People who consider themselves self-disciplined

anized achievers live longer and have up to an 89% lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s than the less conscientious. When you’re good at focusing your attention

you use more brainpower. Set personal or career goals

and challenge yourself to meet them by a certain time. Also

try new things to stimulate your brain: If you always read fiction

pick up an autobiography instead. The next day

try to recall three facts you learned from the reading.


认为自己自律、有成就的人更长寿。他们比不太有责任心的人患老年痴呆的机率少89% 以上拿斗。如果你能集中精神做事,你就能调动更多脑细胞,从而有助于防止老年痴呆。制定个人或职业目标,并通过一段时间来实现这些目标。此外,尝试新事物来 *** 大脑:如果你总是读小说,不妨看看自传。第二天试着回忆你从书中看到的三个细节。

You Really Like Your Friends

Good interpersonal relationships act as a buffer against stress. Knowing you have people who support you keeps you healthy

mentally and physically: Chronic stress weakens the immune system and ages cells faster

ultimately shortening life span by 4 to 8 years.


好的人际关系可以缓冲压力。知道有朋友支持自己会让你保持精神和身体健康:长期的紧张会更快削弱免疫系统,让细胞更快衰老,最终将你的生命缩短4 到8 年。

…and They’re Healthy

If your closest friends gain weight

your chance of doing the same could increase by 57%. To maintain a healthy lifestyle

it's important to associate with people who have similar goals. Join a weight loss group

or train with a pal for a charity walk.



You Don’t Have a Housekeeper

Just by vacuuming

mopping floors

or washing windows for a little more than an hour

the average person can burn about 285 calories

lowering risk of death by 30%

according to a study of 302 *** s in their 70s and 80s.


一项对302 名七八十岁老人的研究发现,吸尘、拖地或擦窗户一个多返态小时,平均能够燃烧约285 卡路里热量,从而降低了30% 的死亡风险。

You’re a Flourisher

Flourishers have a positive outlook on life

a sense of purpose and munity

and are healthier than “languishers” – about 10 percent of *** s who don’t feel good about themselves. Most of us fall somewhere in beeen. In Sardinia and Okinawa

where people live the longest

hard work is important

but not more so than spending time with family

nurturing spirituality

and doing for others.


大约10% 的成年人自我感觉不良,这些人被称为“衰弱者”。活泼开朗的人拥有积极的人生观、使命感和集体感,比“衰弱者”更健康。而大多数人则介于两者之间。撒丁岛和冲绳岛的人寿命最长。那里的人们认为工作固然重要,但花时间陪伴家人、陶冶情操和帮助别人更重要。

You Don’t Like Burgers

A few palm-size servings of beef


or lamb now and then is no big deal

but eating more than 18 ounces of red meat per week ups your risk of colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer risk also rises by 42% with every 3 1/2- ounce serving of processed meat(such as hot dogs


and deli meats) eaten per day. Experts aren’t sure why red and processed meats are so harmful

but one of their suspects is the carcinogens that can form when meat is grilled

*** oked

or cured – or when preservatives

such as nitrates



偶尔吃几块巴掌大的牛肉、猪肉或羊肉不会有什么大问题,但每周吃18 盎司( 约510 克) 以上红色肉类会增加你得结肠直肠癌的风险。每天吃一个3.5 盎司( 约99 克) 加工肉类( 比如热狗、腌肉和熟食肉) 的汉堡包会将得结肠直肠癌的风险提高42%。专家还不能确定为什么红色肉类和经过加工的肉类会对身体如此有害,但他们怀疑其中的一个原因是当肉在烘烤、烟熏、腌制,或是在加入硝酸盐等防腐剂时,会形成致癌物。

Your Mom Had You Young

If she was under age 25

you’re ice as likely to live to 100 as

someone born to an older mom

according to University of Chicago scientists. They suspect that younger moms’ best eggs go first to fertilization

thus producing healthier offspring.


芝加哥大学的科学家说,如果你的妈妈生你时还不到25 岁,那你活到100 岁的机率很可能是年纪较大的妈妈生出来的孩子的两倍。他们认为较年轻妈妈最健康、最具活力的卵子会先受精,因此会孕育出较健康的后代。

You Have Strong Legs

Lower-body strength translates into good balance


and endurance. As you get older

those attributes are key to reducing your risk of falls and injuries–particularly hip fractures

which often quickly lead to declining health. Up to 20% of hip-fracture patients die within 1 year because of plications from the trauma.


下半身力量代表好的平衡力、灵活性和耐力。随着年龄增长,这些特征对降低摔跤和受伤的风险至关重要——尤其是经常会导致健康状况下降的髋部骨折。有多达20% 的髋部骨折患者会由于损伤并发症在一年内死去。

You’re a Tea Lover

Both green and black teas contain a concentrated dose of catechins

substances that help blood vessels relax and protect your heart. In a study of more than 40

500 Japanese men and women

those who drank 5 or more cups of green tea every day had the lowest risk of dying from heart disease and stroke. Other studies involving black tea showed similar results.


绿茶和红茶都还含有大量儿茶酸,这种物质有助于血管舒张,保护你的心脏。对4.05 万名日本男性和女性的研究表明,每天喝5 杯或更多绿茶的人死于心脏病和中风的风险最低。其他关于红茶的研究也显示出类似的结果。

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